They Poision of Grudges (Listen to the Heart)


We all know what grudges are.  Have you ever had a grudge against someone?? Grudges can be as simple as someone you never forgave for stealing your quarter, or they can be as serious as a deep hate grudge for someone that killed a loved one. When grudges go untreated they can become motive for fueling unstoppable strains that will derail your life. They can lead to suicide, depression, murder, or they can just make you a bitter person. There is however a grudge I am really concerned about. This grudge is the silent killer that will destroy someone’s character. This grudge does not stay amongst one person. This grudge spreads because of prejudice, and appeasement. You know what I am talking about. This grudge I most commonly notice in breakups and in family disputes.

Here is the scenario. You have had a breakup, it was only between you and that person, and nothing against the family. However, the family chooses to shun your existence, and even the friends of the ex choose to avoid you as well. This is the most generic example I can personally think of and lots of people can relate because it happens in almost every split up. This type of grudge is fueled by a blind obedience of families and friends to appease the one who went through the break up. I urge something a little different. I urge everyone to make there on decision about the situations they are faced with. If nothing has been done to you or there was no malice in the separation then don’t sweat it. Don’t dislike someone because a close friend or family member went through a rough time such as a separation. Evaluate who them as a person love or hate them for that. If this grudge is not familiar enough yet let me broaden the spectrum. Do you know about the Rwanda conflict between the hiatus and tootsies?  thousands died because of a blind grudge fueled by someone else’s hurt feelings. It was a mass genocide that started with one persons grudge. How bout something a little more familiar, WWII, Jews where executed in the holocaust lead by one mans blind grudge. This was not just a few…. 17 million people died because of following a grudge.
In short grudges are not worth it, and are poisonous. Make your own decisions on how to feel based on something relevant. Not on week fabric such as a break up. Be better than human nature. Be your own antidote to the poison that a grudge is

Video Game Powers are REAL!! (faith of a gamer)

ImageI get criticized a lot for my love of video games. One of the greatest things about most video games is you get to keep trying till you win. As super Mario you get five lives until it is “game over” but all game over does is not start you back half way through the level.  On other video games especially role playing games like Skyrim produced by Bethesda game studios, or Borderlands produced by Gearbox game studios, you have supernatural powers that allow you to call on an ethereal world to destroy your foes. I realized this today at church and do not know why I have not recognized it before, but I follow and serve a God that has the power posed in video games that is said to be “impossible. Jesus defied death. He was crucified in front of hundreds of people. They witnessed him taking his last breaths, and the roman centurions even pierced his side to make sure the blood was separating from the water inside the body (a true sign you are dead). It was not game over for Jesus. He choose to stay dead for 3 days and on the third day a stone larger than any battalion of soldiers could move was cast aside like a cloud by the wind, and Jesus stepped forth from the grave. That is true power. There is nothing on this earth, in our galaxy, or in all the universe that can rewind death. What’s even cooler than that is through a relationship with Jesus it to will never have to experience game over. I am offered the supernatural gift to live forever! Not in flesh but in spirit, to live in heaven apart from this evil world when I die. If that is not enough, Jesus has at his beck and call the host of the heavens. He has the power to call down angels and lay waste to the earth. Sweeping us away like dust in the wind. A man with this power chose to willingly sacrifice himself so that I could have the gift of eternal life. So not only do I serve the only God in the universe that can defy death, but I serve the only God that possesses all the power and this God loves me more than anything ever could. I have the supreme ruler on my team, and with him at my side it will never be game over. I will live forever loved by Alpha and Omega till the second earth is created and beyond.

Love Like Roses

red-roses-flower-rose-pictures-357Love, it is what drives the human soul. we were made to love and be loved. Love can be very beautiful at times, but can also hurt us so bad that it generates suicidal thoughts. Sitting down and thinking, it came to me that love is like the rose bush. Planting, watering, thorns, the rose, and uprooting all relates to love in some way.

Planting: You know it has happened to you before, you meet that person, your eyes connect, and then you begin to fall head over heals for them. This is the planting stage. You have met that new somebody and you each have brought your seeds to the table. When you enter into your relationship it is like putting new seeds in the earth. After you have planted those new relationship seeds you give them a little water and you step back to watch them grow. If a plant begins to spring forth from the ground after some time then you move on to the next stages of taking care of the plant, but if no plant emerges then it means it was not meant to grow there. This goes for love, if nothing grows then it was not meant to be and you do not continue to try and make seeds grow that never will.

Watering: It is essential to all plant growth. Water represents the basic things your love needs. It needs time, understanding, care, patients, hugs, kisses, sex (only if you are married) and all the other little mushy stuff that strengthens the bonds of your relationship. They might seem like small trivial matters but they are much bigger than that. With these things being the water of your “rose bush” what happens when you subtract the water? The plant will die. Without these things being paid attention to in a relationship it will cause distance, and result in a failed relationship. people need these things. Never forget to “water” your relationship. at a glance it may look fine, and it may be for a few days but after multiple times of no water your relationship will begin to wither, and it will not be as beautiful and healthy as it should be.

Adult Hood: This is where the real work begins. If your rose bush has made it to this point it means that either you have gotten married or are working your way there. Marriage and being in a serious relationship pose all new sorts of problems. You have pruning, thorns, more water, parasites, and replanting.

Pruning: Sometimes on your rose bush the beautiful heads of the rose will die and need to be picked off, or a whole section or branch may die. You pull and cut these sections off of the rose bush because if left alone they can kill the whole entire plant. These are the problems in your love; an argument, the divorce word, financial problems, neglect, etc. etc. Pretty much any problem no matter how big or small can kill your love if left untreated because it can steamroll into creating bigger problems. So you have to make sure you deal with things and take care of the problem before the day is out. Never go to sleep without pruning your rose bush.

Thorns: These things are the most bothersome part of the rose bush. The flowers on top are so pretty but tending the rose will often get you pricked by its thorns. These thorns are the little annoyances that everyone has that are not problems they just make the person who they are, and you put up with them because you love them. Thorns are no reason to give up on a rose bush because everyone is going to hurt you but you have to decide if the love is worth suffering for.

Parasites: Everyone hates insects, well not entomologist but that is besides the point. I’m not talking aphids or lady bugs. I am talking about Mr. steal your girl, and Mrs. slick dress naughty. these types of people want to destroy your love, and steal it because they know what you have is amazing and desirable. so what do you do?? just like pruning keeps the plant from dying, the “watering” acts as your pesticide. if you do not have those little romances down and the small things together, it is easy for someone else to show up that starts fulfilling those neglected needs. Then all of the sudden your partner is saying I want a divorce because you don’t do these things for me (but the whole truth is they have found someone that will) so make sure you keep that pesticide on that rose bush.

Replanting: sometimes you have to transfer locations of your rose bush because the soil may become so toxic that I would kill the plant. This is the most major, stressful, and hard thing you could ever do to a full grown rose bush. you are going to get lots of scrapes and cuts from the thorns, you will get tons of dirt everywhere, and it will take lots of time. There are points in your relationship that you come too where you may have tried everything, you are with who you are meant to be, but the love is failing. if the soil, which is where the plant derives its nutrients from, has been neglected then the plant will perish if not replanted. The soil is the foundation of your love, and if you  forget where you come from and do not keep the romance going it is easy for your love to no longer have any nutrients. If it comes down to replanting it will be a struggle, but is well needed on to keep your love alive.

Love takes time to grown, and as you can see it is hard work. It will all be worth what you go through in the end even if the rose bush ultimately perishes. Sometimes we just get into loves that are not right, and force the growth while telling ourselves something is there that is not. these types of loves can keep them selves sustained for some time until faced with problems. That is what happened to me. I was trying to force grow a love that my ex-girlfriend did not want to participate in. It was left up to me to grow the relationship, but gardening alone on a rose bush that needs two is taxing. Every love requires both people. recognize if your relationship is one sided and save yourself from it. If both of you are working at it, keep up the good work, and do not let your love fell. Love is patient, kind, and good. respect love, grow love, and don’t let it die because of neglect. Understand what love is and what it needs to grow. Love is like the rose, beautiful with thorns.

Stand Your Ground (a 19 year olds take on pre-marital sex)

Amazing how much this topic shows up in our world. it seems like a pretty old school idea doesn’t it? I mean really, come on no pre-marital sex was a stupid rule thing back in the day when it was still wrong to show your ankles…..right? WRONG. No pre-martial sex will never be some old school idea; however with clothing, media, and song lyrics of today pre-marital, and just sex itself has had little to no value placed on it. I think this should really be a mindset we strive to change, and it does not fall to the parents or elders to change. It falls to us, the non married, the teens, the college students it starts with us as does most change today. Don’t think it is us? where did the hipster movement start? where did the silly band trend start? who made apple so popular? who supports the singers that skew the lines of what sex is worth? We do!

Why do I tell you this? I tell you this to bring to your attention to what we as a generation have done to sex, and the morals of keeping our selves pure till our wedding night. Used to, pre-marital sex was harshly dealt with because our culture understood what the sacred nature of sex truly meant. anyone watch the history channel’s Hatfield’s and McCoy’s series? I know I did. If so you probably remember that those two teenagers (who’s names escape me) had sex out of wedlock when the Hatfield boy took the McCoy girl home after there long walk at the fair. so anyway the secretly have sex understanding the severity of what they are doing since they are not wed, and they are rival families. When the McCoy girl starts missing monthly periods she realizes what has taken place, and knows it is only a matter of time before her father finds out. When he does the most heartbreaking scene takes place. In the middle of a torrential downpour Mr. McCoy is angrily weeping as he drags his daughters trunk from his house and throws it into a hole he has dug. he then falls on his knees screaming at the sky feeling betrayed, and heart broken that his daughter has gone against what she knew better than to do.  Then to top it all off it was with a Hatfield boy.

That scene has always gotten to me because any parent (if they care about there children) is heartbroken when they find out there child has gone and had sex outside of marriage (Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, etc., etc..) it does not really matter the faith or lack there of. Sex was designed by our creator to be the most strong and intimate bond for us to share with our spouse. A ultimate selfless action of pure physical contact meant to be shared between man and woman so they can bond on a more intimate level. When you remove sex outside of marriage it becomes un-beautiful and can never be enjoyed how it should be. Yes physical contact feels great, and it is something the human body craves because it raises our dopamine levels higher than any other thing we do for each other as humans. With a body that craves physical touch, a world that says sex is just for fun, and the people around you falling short in their strive for no premarital sex, you maybe have asked yourself “what is the point in waiting if no one around me is?”

The point is sex is beautiful, and amazing inside marriage. I personally have never experienced sex, but I know it will be wonderful on my wedding night when I get to share that experience with my wife knowing she is the only one I have ever been with. Sex on your wedding night is meant to be a surprise that is exciting, new, scary, fun, and full of love, but if you have already experienced sex before marriage then there is really no point in a wedding night because the magic that would surround it will no longer be there. especially if you have slept with your partner before your wedding night. you might as well not go on a honeymoon. The first time you have that connection with the love of your life you will know what I say is true. if you have waited it will be one of the most physically and emotionally bonding things you have ever taken part in. Don’t let sex be just another thing to you like music, media, clothing, and celebrities make it out to be. Sex is important, beautiful, and needs to be treated with respect.

Your pre-marital decision says a lot of how you view and respect yourself. I know as a teen with all the trends and media it is easy to feel worthless and not good enough. All of it is a lie, but it is a lie we buy into, and one of media’s biggest lies is that we our only worth how much our bodies can please another person. Don’t let yourself become another boy toy. Don’t let yourself fall victim to a seductress that bats her eyes. You are worth so much more than what your body can do, and what your body can do is something amazing for the person you marry.

I almost slipped up and got myself into pre-married sex one Sunday. Like most I was feeling worthless, and unloved. I felt this void inside of me that I thought nothing could fulfill. I had tried everything! Magic the Gathering, Video Games, Tobacco, The Gym, but nothing would work. So by the time it got to this Sunday I had tried everything, and was very weak and vulnerable. I went to visit my girlfriend, and I let my final defenses fall as I stepped foot inside her dorm. Things escalated very quickly behind closed doors, and before I knew it I was loosing control of the situation, but was saved by her roommate returning home from her trip which was leverage for us to stop. Nothing has scared me more in my life because I thought I was about to lose my war against pre-martial sex. On the drive home that void I felt inside of me now felt like a ravine. As fun of a moment as we had and even though it was physically pleasing, my heart and closeness to my now ex felt miles apart. the physical contact did not bring me closer to her it created a bigger rift in our relationship.

I just came to the door of pre-marital but did not walk through. I bring you this message to let you know it is not worth it. Save yourself for your wife or husband. experience sex how it was always meant to be experienced. Don’t sell yourself short. you are worth so much more, and always know that. Stand out from the crowd. rebellion is going against the grain, and the grain right now is sex before marriage. Be a true rebel. Stand your ground and fight the fight that will start your marriage far better than most now a days. Say no. Wait.

A Intro to Me and Closed Minds

Hello! My name I Geordi Allen Roberts. I am 19 years old, and live in Wilmington north Carolina. I am not your average 19 year old because I like to think and ask questions. I attend Cape Fear Community College, and I am studying my associates in fine art. I decided to make a blog because to often you run into people that do not care what you have to say. Blogging is somewhere I feel like I could be heard for my thoughts and ideas. I tried the deep thinking process on the illustrious facebook, but facebook is no place or that seeing as all people want on there is what you ate for lunch, or to hear  you cry about how your life is so unfair. As amusing as all that stuff is it is no place for character. It is no place to be heard. My generation is slowly becoming what will be a downfall in our society because we have stopped asking questions, and are content with being silent. I say “NO MORE” it is time to be heard, It is time to think out loud, it is time to begin a blog about all things deep and controversial that come up in my mind,  it is time to be a voice in the quiet, it is time to blog.